"It’s not up to you!"

See the Zhang Jun face again before Han Yiqing looked at him incredulously. "How did you …"
"This is my home! Of course I have the key! "
Han Yiqing was silent, and she could be heard breathing heavily, not only her but also him.
After a long time, she finally broke the silence. "Leng Ruixi, you shouldn’t come back."
"What? !”
"There are still seven days, and you yourself say that time is running out."
"What does this have to do with the present?"
Yes, of course, there is. She can’t leave, and she’s still entangled with him. In her heart, she’s doomed to be confused. Then her body … can’t be entangled!
"Get out of here," she said quietly, her eyes never being firm.
"I’m not going out." He strode directly around her waist, and the view on his chest was even narrower with such a towel …
It’s hard to suppress the heat. Once again, he provoked Han Yiqing to escape from her arms, but in a second, he tightly suppressed it …
"I told you not to move!" He is breathing more quickly, which makes him wonder whether it is her or him!
"Leng Ruixi, you should also consider what to do after considering me. How can I get married?" She pulled out a pale smile at the corner of her mouth but didn’t know that this had deeply stimulated him …
"Han Yiqing don’t you want to marry someone else except me? !” Full of overbearing tone, she was stunned, and then she was picked up by him and thrown directly into the soft big bed …
Han Yiqing finally woke up after a burst of dizziness overhead.
"LengRuiXi you go! You go out! "
"I move my princess for granted!"
Chapter 35 Who else do you want to find!
Watching him buckle one by one, revealing wheat-colored skin, perfect golden ratio, lean figure …
Han Yiqing feels more and more hot and continues to find a breakthrough.
But now reason tells her that she can’t do this! And she wants to stop him!
She backed away until there was no way out. She looked at him with horror …
"Leng Ruixi, don’t come here!" Her voice is soft. This is the best invitation for a man!
"Han Yiqing, who else do you want to talk to? !”
But before Han Yiqing could react, she felt a body directly falling on her body. When she looked up, she looked at her with blue eyes full of sharp eyes …
"I …" At that time, she was speechless. The two of them were so close that she hardly met them!
Even the grass has never appeared!
He pressed "Xiao Cheling came to see you this afternoon, didn’t he?"
He almost certainly said that this made her feel tight. Is it …



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