And these days, the Yang family mansion is surprised for a few days. Everyone agrees that everything has become weird since the gentleman came back.

It was that day that the Yang family was stunned and looked at the gentleman when he came back from the racecourse, and he actually hugged Miss Uniform Xin! And even miss Xin’s performance is also uncharacteristically complete. A pair of innocent girl-like shyness implies that a lady will end up snuggling up to the gentleman’s side, which is scary.
The next day, Yang’s housekeeper and servants flowed inside. Miss Yung Xin didn’t leave that night, but slept in the gentleman’s room! It was not until noon the next day that they walked out of the gentleman’s bedroom and looked more intimate and loving.
However, in the next few days, the situation changed and changed more and more. Miss Uniform Xin lived again and never went back to her home. The gentleman also walked from the energetic Yangjia mansion. Gradually turned into a listless Yang’s wandering in all floors, and then turned into a gentleman’s listlessness, moving around the wall bit by bit and resting in every corner of Yang’s mansion; Later, many servants saw the gentleman look nervous, and all the rooms were looking for hiding places. The Yangjia Mansion echoed with the call of "Husband ~ ~ ~ Husband ~ ~" from Miss Yung Xin …
Adapted to this sudden change, Yang’s family showed a jubilant and peaceful atmosphere, from the master Yang Zhenkui to the second young master Yang Xu and the eldest young lady Yang Shan to Qian Bocheng’s "Boqiu" housekeeper. All the servants in Yang’s family have been watching the young master and Miss Uniform Xin for many years, but suddenly, due to the change of the young master’s body, these two men and women who have been engaged for a long time have finally become completely in love, and they will never hear two people quarrel again. The master Yang Zhenkui, Yang Xu and Yang Shan are no longer afraid of being left and right. Housekeepers and servants are no longer afraid of the situation that the city gate is on fire and the fish in the pond are destroyed. This is definitely a great event worthy of the Yang family’s happiness!
Master Yang Zhenkui is in a good mood these days. He feels that God really cares for him. First, the eldest son has become a good boy, and then the eldest son and rong family Yunxin are really good. It is really a happy thing to see his children getting better and better as he gets older.
Everyone agrees that this is really a happy event. No one can see the quality of this matter through appearances, and no one can really understand Yang Ye’s true feelings these days …
On this day, the gentleman disappeared again, and the whole Yang family couldn’t find anyone. But this time, no one seemed to be in a hurry, and no one was worried that the gentleman would run away from home again, because the gentleman and Miss Uniform Xin are now inseparable from each other. How can they be willing to part?
So everyone looked at Uniform Xin with a smile and shouted for the gentleman everywhere. They all decided that this was a pair of little lovers playing hide-and-seek
At this time, Qian Bo crept to the fifth floor of Yang Zhai’s main building, carefully walked to a door where sundries were piled up in a remarkable corner, knocked on five doors, three times and two times, and then opened the door. The hair was messy, the clothes were not covered, the eyes were frightened, and the bearded gentleman Yang Ye leaned out of his head and asked, "Where is the fragrance?"
"Miss Uniform Xin went to the east wing of the house to find you." Qian Bo looked at Yang Ye strangely. "Young gentleman, are you playing hide-and-seek with Miss Uniform Xin?"
"Even xin? Yunxin! " Yang night frightened and retreated a few steps, slumped into a ball and shivered with his hands holding his shoulders. "Where is she? darling daughter! She is a thousand-year-old demon who specializes in absorbing the essence of men! "
After Qian Bo was surprised, he quickly came over to a experienced person with a smile and handed it to the gentleman. He went over to help Yang Ye and said, "Hehe, gentleman, young men and women, this age is the heyday of doing this kind of thing. I can’t even think about it at my age."
"Qian Boke, this is really too painful. There is no end!" Yang Ye cried for help.
Qian Bo really wondered why the young gentleman who had studied before was suddenly afraid of this. However, he still patiently comforted, "Gentleman, how happy you are to have a beautiful girl like Miss Uniform Xin. You feel hard because of too much sex. I didn’t say that your gentleman wants you not to mess with so many women with him. How can you suffer alone?"
"Who am I messing with?" Yang night felt very wronged and complained, secretly thinking to domain master, domain master, you said you would give me a few magical abilities. Why don’t you give me more in this respect?
It’s probably because Yang Ye saved himself from the horse. Even Xin seems to have made himself white at that moment. What’s wrong with my heart and behaved so strangely at this time? So I avoided Yang Ye. It turned out that I liked this guy. It’s really strange that I didn’t feel it after getting along for so long, but this guy felt different when he came back from home, especially when this guy hugged himself to the bed. At that moment, Even Xin remembered that he felt really moved.
It seems that women rarely play cards for feelings according to common sense. If they say love, they will love, and if they say no, they may not love at all.
After this window paper was punctured, even Xin really felt very happy, especially when she came back to Yang’s house from the horse that night, so she had an affair with Yang night so easily and boldly, and gave herself to this man who she hated for many years. After that, even even EveXin felt incredible about her impulse, so she was relieved. He is my fiance. Sooner or later … Why not?
The first time I loved someone, I was immersed in excitement and sweetness from morning till night. I felt that I really couldn’t live without Yang Ye for a second. What’s even more ridiculous is that I saw what Yang Ye looked like before, and now I look at what is pleasing to the eye. Every day, I opened my eyes early and saw a sad man lying beside me in my sleep. How beautiful it was.
Bodhisattva said that when one day you find that you love someone you hate, this relationship is the most deadly.
Eun-shin wondered how I could love someone I used to hate so much.
Does Eun-shin want to love someone again?
Even xin finally want to bodhi old zu what thing!
Update your voting and collection again! Xiaoxing gives you a good story! By the way, psychosexuality group number 5737
◎ Yang Ye thinks it’s great to take money without working.
◎ Accidental encounter with Uniform fragrance at the racecourse.
◎ Power suddenly broke out and Yang Ye saved Uniform Xin.
"I won’t give you a baby first! I want to stay in shape! " Even xin lie prone on the bed pillow Yang night arm sound greasy said "and I tell you! Don’t let me find out that you are still in contact with those women before you, or I will cut off your life! "
Yang night was evenly grasped by Xin, and he was scared and shook all over for a moment. He regretted that he had saved the female devil.
Obviously, Yang Ye and Yun Xin have accomplished a feat now, and they have not only finished what husband and wife should do, but also become addicted to it for one night after tasting the sweetness of being a woman. For three or four times in a row, Yang Ye finally found the advantage of Yun Xin, that is, once she broke through that boundary, Yun Xin was very scary and faced with Yang Ye, she became very interested in Yang Ye’s penis, and she often held it until Yang Ye begged for mercy.
So these days, Yang Ye has gone through the process of love joy, sweetness, warmth, surprise, resistance, distress, fear, until life is worse than death.
And these days, the Yang family mansion is surprised for a few days. Everyone agrees that everything has become weird since the gentleman came back.
It was that day that the Yang family was stunned and looked at the gentleman when he came back from the racecourse, and he actually hugged Miss Uniform Xin! And even miss Xin’s performance is also uncharacteristically complete. A pair of innocent girl-like shyness implies that a lady will end up snuggling up to the gentleman’s side, which is scary.
The next day, Yang’s housekeeper and servants flowed inside. Miss Yung Xin didn’t leave that night, but slept in the gentleman’s room! It was not until noon the next day that they walked out of the gentleman’s bedroom and looked more intimate and loving.
However, in the next few days, the situation changed and changed more and more. Miss Uniform Xin lived again and never went back to her home. The gentleman also walked from the energetic Yangjia mansion. Gradually turned into a listless Yang’s wandering in all floors, and then turned into a gentleman’s listlessness, moving around the wall bit by bit and resting in every corner of Yang’s mansion; Later, many servants saw the gentleman look nervous, and all the rooms were looking for hiding places. The Yangjia Mansion echoed with the call of "Husband ~ ~ ~ Husband ~ ~" from Miss Yung Xin …
Adapted to this sudden change, Yang’s family showed a jubilant and peaceful atmosphere, from the master Yang Zhenkui to the second young master Yang Xu and the eldest young lady Yang Shan to Qian Bocheng’s "Boqiu" housekeeper. All the servants in Yang’s family have been watching the young master and Miss Uniform Xin for many years, but suddenly, due to the change of the young master’s body, these two men and women who have been engaged for a long time have finally become completely in love, and they will never hear two people quarrel again. The master Yang Zhenkui, Yang Xu and Yang Shan are no longer afraid of being left and right. Housekeepers and servants are no longer afraid of the situation that the city gate is on fire and the fish in the pond are destroyed. This is definitely a great event worthy of the Yang family’s happiness!
Master Yang Zhenkui is in a good mood these days. He feels that God really cares for him. First, the eldest son has become a good boy, and then the eldest son and rong family Yunxin are really good. It is really a happy thing to see his children getting better and better as he gets older.



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